08/29/2020 - Mares Mortgage

How to Refinance a Mortgage With Bad Credit

If you need to refinance your mortgage, it can be harder than you think, especially if you’ve got bad credit. Even if you’ve got an average credit score, you might be tempted to believe that refinancing isn’t an option for lowering your monthly mortgage payment. However, the truth is that a low credit score doesn’t […]

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House Buying Checklist for Beginners

Buying a house for the first time can be a daunting undertaking. Even if you’ve purchased a home before, it’s still not something most consider easy. After all, there are so many things involved, such as hunting for your dream house, inspections, and mortgages. It can be intimidating! Still, if you anticipate these issues from […]

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Joint Mortgage Vs. Joint Ownership: What’s the Difference?

Just to get it out of the way, you need to understand that the terms “joint ownership” and “joint mortgage” aren’t the same. For starters, you can get more funding for a home mortgage through a joint mortgage than if you applied on your own.Now, suppose you’ve done some research online, and you’re trying to […]

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