November 2020 - Mares Mortgage

What You Should Know About Financing with a HARP Mortgage

What is HARP A HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program) mortgage is a home loan refinance program that offered homeowners the ability to refinance. Many homeowners have “underwater mortgages,” which means they owe more on their mortgage than the value of the property. This circumstance makes it difficult, if not impossible, for these homeowners to refinance […]

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580 Credit Score Home Loans: What You Need to Know

Having a low credit score may be challenging, and in the past may have meant that homeownership was off the table. Fortunately, this is no longer true. There are loans available for people with low or bad credit, and we’ll tell you all about it.  What is a credit score? Your credit score is based […]

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Can You Buy A House With No Money Down?

If not for down payments, many more people would be homeowners. The down payment is a hurdle that deters them from even trying to purchase a home. Even with a reasonable income, it’s no easy feat to accumulate 20% of a house’s purchase price.   The happy news is that you don’t have to come up […]

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