Blog Archives - Mares Mortgage

Is a Manufactured Home a Good Investment? Learn All About It

Manufactured homes, often seen as a budget-friendly alternative to traditional site-built homes, have sparked debates on their investment value. These factory-built homes, adhering to federal HUD standards, offer affordability and quicker construction times. Yet, their investment potential is influenced by factors like depreciation, maintenance, and market trends. This article delves into whether manufactured homes are […]

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Intereses Para Comprar Casa en 2024

A medida que se acerca el año 2024, los posibles compradores de vivienda observan atentamente las tendencias y pronósticos relacionados con las tasas hipotecarias, la dinámica del mercado inmobiliario y la planificación financiera para la compra de viviendas. El panorama del mercado inmobiliario continúa evolucionando, influenciado por factores económicos, políticas federales y eventos globales, lo […]

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Interest Rates for Buying a Home in 2024

As 2024 approaches, prospective homebuyers are keenly observing the trends and forecasts related to mortgage rates, housing market dynamics, and financial planning for home purchases. The landscape of the housing market continues to evolve, influenced by economic factors, Federal policies, and global events, making it crucial for buyers to stay informed and strategically plan their […]

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